It's been a couple of months since my last update, perhaps a welcome relief to some of you, but I thought I'd take advantage of the current deluge here in Hobart (highest 24-hour rainfall since 1960!) as my original plan for the day has been unceremoniously swept down the drain together with the 77mm's of record rainfall. So it's not all bad news, right?
Flooded intersection in a Hobart suburb (& he'll probably be keeping left for the time being I suspect) |
Having left the corporate world behind me since I finished up at BT in August 2010, it occurred to me recently that I haven't endured the delights of a quarterly (half yearly or even annual) performance review - which had been such a regular part of my working life ever since I started with Andersen Consulting back in 1999. And in order to avoid any potential and adverse withdrawal symptoms, I thought it might be an idea to complete a self-appraisal now that we're 6 months into our Hobart chapter and having taking the Drunken Admiral's helm.
Executive Summary
- Newly found company has been operating now for 191 days (roughly 28 weeks) and we're into our third quarter;
- Over that period we have looked after more than 27,000 covers (not including children and customers whom do not order main courses);
- Based on activity to date, the restaurant averages 142 covers per night - but I imagine that this ratio will only fall off over the next half year period as we move into the winter season down here;
- Trade feels strong currently, weekends remain very busy but week-days are more hit and miss than they were over the previous quarter;
- My passion for Excel, Powerpoint and general analysis lives on it would seem;
- I genuinely believe that we have learnt a great deal over the last 6 months. Looking back on how little I knew (Brierlie already had a great deal of background in the industry) as we took the reigns after a week's handover, I think we were very lucky not to have encountered any serious mishaps;
- The Drunken Admiral restaurant has not sunk since we arrived! (It's early days however.)
- Launched full compliment of new menu's*: A La Carte, Dessert, Wine / Drinks List and Childrens;
- For what it's worth, our TripAdvisor listing has moved from # 21 (of 163 restaurants in Hobart) to # 15 (of 171). It seems that another 8 restaurants have popped up along the way);
- Whilst staffing has been a constant concern over the period (particularly before, during and after the handover), I am pleased to say that we are very pleased with the current team and long may it continue!
- Created a Drunken Admiral Facebook page which I hope you will "Like";
- Settled in to Hobart life, found a house to move into, made it a home and become the proud parents of an increasingly furry baby (currently doing a very fine impression of a mountain yak);
- Successfully installed internet (even with wireless connectivity!!) at home**;
- Thoroughly enjoying the outdoorsy lifestyle that our new vocation and Tasmania in general has afforded us - from learning to surf through to mountain biking and tennis, there's no shortage of amazing stuff to do and beautiful spots to do it;
- Not one of mine per se but Brierlie's baking has evolved into something pretty serious and threatens to become a commercial venture! Either way, it's very cool to see her enjoying something so much - and Wiki and I happily wait for the inevitable off-cuts to come our way...
- 3-night trip to Surfer's Paradise for a get-away break (highlight in principle - see Lowlights);
- Wiki will graduate from Puppy School at 3pm on Saturday 16th of April - guests welcome at the odourful graduation ceremony if you can make it...?
- Booked flights to visit the UK this August - from August 16th through to September 2nd!
* Titanic sized thank you to Seb!
** Installing internet connectivity at home has probably been our single most significant achievement over the last 6 months. Having dabbled a little in the telecommuncations space in my previous career (inlcuding the likes of BT, Optus, Cable & Wireless, NTL, Eircom, MCI Worldcom to name a few), I thought I had a reasonable handle on the general customer experience in this world and how best to avoid being taken for a ride. However, after this latest adventure I can only say how very deluded I was and how I am seriously considering never, ever moving again in order to avoid a repeat experience.
- Handful of tricky customer "situations" - most of which have been handled with professionalism, good grace and an abundance of charm - and one or two less so! But these ones make for good stories if nothing else ;-))
- Installing internet at home**;
- Implications of the resulting events following the internet shopping revolution, the need to deck out a new home and providing Brierlie with access to the web;
- Interactions with flat-packed furniture. Now why is it that the pack instructions NEVER match the actual parts that you are provided with?
- Toilet training a puppy in a new home where we were feeling particularly house proud. (The term "WikiLeaks" has taken on a whole new significance for us.)
- Brierlie contracting a stomach bug whilst we were away together in Surfer's Paradise. (Although we did make a significant dent to the list of New Release movies that we wanted to see.)
Development Opportunities (AKA "Weaknesses")
- Probably a constant learning but I'd love to become a blackbelt in dealing with "difficult" customers - and being able to quickly and confidently differentiate between those looking for a free meal and those with a genuine complaint;
- Coffee making. It's pretty much an art don't you know and something taken VERY seriously by most self respecting cafes and coffee shops down here in Hobart. We serve coffee at the restaurant and have one of two true coffee "artistes" but I'm certainly not one of them. Plan to take a coffee course in May to help us on our way...
(Not one of my coffees in case you're wondering) |
Overall Performance Rating
I always hated being asked by my manager to give myself my own performance rating for the period before he (or she) would give me theirs (and ultimately the one that counts). Too high and you risk coming across as a deluded idiot and too low and perhaps you make them question if you really do deserve the rating they haven't yet informed you of. Well, not that it matters in this case but it's still tricky. But all things considered I would give us an internally grimacing but in my opinion fair...:
Performance rating :
Exceeds Expectations
The Tasmanian Soft-sell
Having been in Hobart for over 6 months now and soon gearing up to exert a great deal of unregulated ancd unashamed pressure on our friends and family overseas to come and visit, I am now in a position to set the record straight on 4 things NOT to come to Tasmania for:
1. Shopping;
2. Night-clubbing;
3. Tropical weather;
4. A cosmopolitan metropolis;
However, if indeed you are looking for anything other than these 4 features, I can honestly say that Tasmania is a genuinely beautiful place for a visit and to live - and so wild and unspoilt - and I really hope that many of you will pop down some time soon and make the most of having a base to explore this incredible island from. (PS - the guest room is now ready!)
...And to finish up, I'll attach a collage of shots taken since the last update.
Moody Hobart - overlooking the waterfront from the Drunken Admiral |
Mark & Rhodan in Surfer's Paradise - our next door neighbours back in Hong Kong! |
Surfer's Paradise, Queensland |
The very latest in eco-friendly dishwashing technology (and responsible parenting) |
Bakerella in action |
Cascade Brewery, Hobart |
Wiki demonstrates his displeasure at being left to fly solo at home |
Simon Wood's visit (shot taken at Meadowbank Vineyard) |
Biking up Mount Wellington was less fun in practice than principle |
Hobart's own SAS - Steak Appreciation Society |
The "do you have a dirty mind?" test |
The Derwent from the Domain |
Wiki on a "time-out" |
Bill Sykes & Bull's Eye roam the mean streets of Hobart looking for trouble... |
Excellent bi-yearly review! But I'm afraid I'm demoting you. You're to come back to England and I'll take over for you in Hobart.