Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Post 10 : School’s (Nearly) Out!!

...And into double digits we go - who'd have thought? I can't quite believe it but it's nearly been 4 months since my last update. That time has really flown and I decided that a posting was well overdue. Especially since we are very shortly to take a break from the restaurant and head back to the UK to spend some time with friends and family - and we're very excited!!

I've had a little think about how it might feel to be so far from the restaurant for the 3 weeks that we'll be away. And I imagine that it will feel a little odd as up until now, we haven't left the country or had a break for more than 3 consecutive nights. On the one hand, it will be incredible to have such a lengthy break but on the other I expect that we'll miss the place, the team and we'll certainly miss our furry baby!! It's a little bit odd but the restaurant still doesn't feel like "work" from my perspective. I can only imagine that's because it's such a huge departure from my previous career and lifestyle.

I don't intend on boring the most generous (with their time) readers of this update with a mind-numbingly tedious dissertation - instead I thought I'd succinctly (hopefully!) share a few "highlights" and some "lowlights" (perhaps 3 of each to balance it out) from our last four months of Tassie life...

HIGHLIGHTS (in no particular order)

1. The Drunken Admiral remains afloat

In the 307 days of operating since we were handed the helm on October 1st 2010, we have looked after very nearly 39,000 paying customers. I am pleased to say that the vast majority of those seem to have genuinely enjoyed their dining experience with us and a good many have become regular and loyal customers. In fact, we inadvertently scooped the "Hobart's Best Restaurant" category following a local radio station listener poll last month! And together with the accolade came $3,000 worth of advertising spend with the station and so we have a radio ad running at at the moment which can't be a bad thing from a return on investment perspective. We have also the benefit of a fantastic team around us that we're very proud of and would be in serious trouble without.

No expense spared on presentation ;-)
2. Friends' visits

A major and fortunately recurring highlight has been to have some very good friends and family come and visit us here in Tassie - and long may this continue! Since my last update, we had the pleasure of a visit from Justin and Gill which we thoroughly enjoyed and then more recently a fleeting visit from Tom - which was a pleasure. We have plenty of pictures to share from the Justin and Gill visit but unfortunately not so after Tom's on account of two reasons: (1) the weather was shocking - the "Roaring 40's" lived up to their name and (2) a couple of photos I did take on my iPhone have been lost to the data junkyard after another seriously frustrating telecommunications glitch we've endured with our telecom provider (and was very nearly a proud recipient of a podium position on my "Lowlights" list if I didn't want to simply blank this episode from my consciousness).

Me, Brierlie, Justin, Rich, Eriko & Gill (Russell Falls)
The obligatory DA Fish Stew shot
3. Green Fingers & Muddy Paws

Don't ask me how or why but for some unaccountable reason, I seem to have developed a growing and deeply unnerving interest in our garden that seems to have germinated out of nowhere (like a seedless grape). It's early days and in truth I have probably been responsible for developing more of a disaster zone than anything aesthetically pleasing so far, but I have really enjoyed the weeding, digging, planting, sewing, composting, pruning, chopping, painting, building, leveling and landscaping activities that my gardening journey has introduced me to so far. And to say that Wiki enjoys the time we spend outside in the garden (generally with him helpfully un-doing whatever I've just done - which he displays a natural flair for) would be an understatement. Together with the gardening, I have also created a suburban wild bird haven in the back garden which is the talk of the avian community round these parts. And before anyone may be concerned that I am threatening to become an ornithologist (hiding in the garden shed with a pair of binoculars, a flat cap and pipe), fear not as Brierlie has already beaten you in raising such a concern. Anyway, I will include a "before" shot of the back garden so that in time I may be able to share an "after" shot if indeed there are to be any fruits from my labours... We're told that Rome was not built in a day and I can certainly empathise with that sentiment currently.

On the hunt for something to obliterate into 342 individual pieces
Rosellas - like giant budgies dipped in an artist's colour wheel
LOWLIGHTS (in no particular order)

1. Wiki versus vehicle

Probably the single most prominent lowlight for me over the last few months was to helplessly watch Wiki charging down the road in hot pursuit of another dog's barking (with me desperately sprinting behind futilely attempting to catch up) as he ran straight in front of a moving car and came flying out the other side yelping and spinning on the spot like he was pinned to the road. The next 60 minutes remain a bit of a blur for me but I vaguely remember picking him up off the road and flagging down a driver to race us to the animal hospital. I am very pleased to say that despite the unfavourable odds of Wiki taking on a moving car, he actually came out absolutely fine and after a couple of puppy Ibuprofen's, he was home the same day and without even a limp within 24 hours! Anyone who has ever met Wiki will comment on how floppy he is when he's held (just like a rag doll without the slightest hint of any musculature) and I assume that this must have been a saving grace when he was hit by the car.

Wicket Hunter Godfrey-Kemp (after being presented with his latest playmate)
2. Restroom nightmare

Undoubtedly my lowest moment in the restaurant so far... It's a busy weekend night and the restaurant is full and we probably don't have enough staff on as it is. A customer informs me that there must be a blockage somewhere as the men's toilets are flooding. Being the only male on the floor that evening and probably the person that the buck would have fallen to anyway, this became my issue. Without going into gory detail, picture this: the urinals have clearly been blocked for some time (who knows whether through deliberate act or an unlucky set of circumstances) but male diners have continued to use the facilities regardless until the issue was pointed out to me. The flooding (now seeping out onto the carpeted restaurant floor) is obviously an unpleasant mix of urine and the incessant flow of water to wash the urinals clean every couple of minutes. My next hour is spent resolving this situation (in an unfortunately hands on manner) whilst a certain biker gang in for dinner insists on using the urinals literally adding to the problem at hand. Not one of the most enjoyable hours from my perspective - but a character building one I'm certain.

3. Head versus structural beam

To set the scene, it was about 6.30pm on a Saturday night - probably the single most critical period in our hospitality week from both a customer numbers point of view as well as making sure we're on track for the second sitting of the Saturday night. The restaurant is full to the brim and the team is stretched to the max already. I have a mental "to do" list as long as the bar and the kitchen bell (signalling that hot meals need to be run out to tables) is ringing off the hook. I race back to the bar in order to complete two more tasks before responding to the frenzied bell and "BANG". My forehead smacks a very solid wooden beam at full force as I'm airborne between two steps. I don't have a great recollection of the sequence of events that followed but I'm told that as I picked myself off the floor and stood upright I had blood pouring down my face whilst telling everyone in the vicinity that I was absolutely fine. Once I'd been convinced that I was not absolutely fine I was ushered out back where I was met by a paramedic team that had been called to the restaurant. Suffice to say, I was treated in the restaurant's stock room out back and as I wasn't feeling too bad, I actually went back to work as I am only too aware of just how much difference even one extra person can make on the floor when we're flat out. And if anyone picked up on a strangely swaying waiter that night with an odd looking bandage across his forehead, they were too polite to say anything...

You can probably just make out remnants of the work place injury on my forehead
And whilst there are of course many more stories to tell from the last few months of Tassie and restaurant life, I will draw an end to this account of some of the High's and Low's as hopefully I will see many of you in the flesh very shortly...! To round things off nicely, I will include a few headlines and some pic's taken recently.

30 second newsflash:

1. Congratulations to my sister who is now engaged to be married to Chris in April 2012!
2. Brierlie (and her baking) have been awarded their very own stand at the renowned Salamanca Market;
3. Oliver is now a fully qualified Pilates instructor! Bookings advised...

The 2011 Rip Curl Team poses ahead of the world championships

Brierlie & I in the middle of a coffee (Barista) tutorial - worth every penny
The Jurassic Park feel to Mount Field
Brierlie brings the Jungle Book to life in sugar
On the hunt for the N37 to get back to Putney
Brierlie's current PT likes to get hands on when it comes to bicep curls
Full steam ahead! (Just like Brierlie's baking prowess.)
Sometimes (and only sometimes) it is the better idea to go where the path may lead (Hartz National Park)
Thought I'd try something a little different at the barbers (A La Wiki)

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Post 9 : Half Year Review

It's been a couple of months since my last update, perhaps a welcome relief to some of you, but I thought I'd take advantage of the current deluge here in Hobart (highest 24-hour rainfall since 1960!) as my original plan for the day has been unceremoniously swept down the drain together with the 77mm's of record rainfall. So it's not all bad news, right?

Flooded intersection in a Hobart suburb (& he'll probably be keeping left for the time being I suspect)
Having left the corporate world behind me since I finished up at BT in August 2010, it occurred to me recently that I haven't endured the delights of a quarterly (half yearly or even annual) performance review - which had been such a regular part of my working life ever since I started with Andersen Consulting back in 1999. And in order to avoid any potential and adverse withdrawal symptoms, I thought it might be an idea to complete a self-appraisal now that we're 6 months into our Hobart chapter and having taking the Drunken Admiral's helm.

Executive Summary
  • Newly found company has been operating now for 191 days (roughly 28 weeks) and we're into our third quarter;
  • Over that period we have looked after more than 27,000 covers (not including children and customers whom do not order main courses);
  • Based on activity to date, the restaurant averages 142 covers per night - but I imagine that this ratio will only fall off over the next half year period as we move into the winter season down here;
  • Trade feels strong currently, weekends remain very busy but week-days are more hit and miss than they were over the previous quarter;
  • My passion for Excel, Powerpoint and general analysis lives on it would seem;
  • I genuinely believe that we have learnt a great deal over the last 6 months. Looking back on how little I knew (Brierlie already had a great deal of background in the industry) as we took the reigns after a week's handover, I think we were very lucky not to have encountered any serious mishaps;

  • The Drunken Admiral restaurant has not sunk since we arrived! (It's early days however.)
  • Launched full compliment of new menu's*: A La Carte, Dessert, Wine / Drinks List and Childrens;
  • For what it's worth, our TripAdvisor listing has moved from # 21 (of 163 restaurants in Hobart) to # 15 (of 171). It seems that another 8 restaurants have popped up along the way);
  • Whilst staffing has been a constant concern over the period (particularly before, during and after the handover), I am pleased to say that we are very pleased with the current team and long may it continue!
  • Created a Drunken Admiral Facebook page which I hope you will "Like";
  • Settled in to Hobart life, found a house to move into, made it a home and become the proud parents of an increasingly furry baby (currently doing a very fine impression of a mountain yak);
  • Successfully installed internet (even with wireless connectivity!!) at home**;
  • Thoroughly enjoying the outdoorsy lifestyle that our new vocation and Tasmania in general has afforded us - from learning to surf through to mountain biking and tennis, there's no shortage of amazing stuff to do and beautiful spots to do it;
  • Not one of mine per se but Brierlie's baking has evolved into something pretty serious and threatens to become a commercial venture! Either way, it's very cool to see her enjoying something so much - and Wiki and I happily wait for the inevitable off-cuts to come our way...
  • 3-night trip to Surfer's Paradise for a get-away break (highlight in principle - see Lowlights);
  • Wiki will graduate from Puppy School at 3pm on Saturday 16th of April - guests welcome at the odourful graduation ceremony if you can make it...?
  • Booked flights to visit the UK this August - from August 16th through to September 2nd!
* Titanic sized thank you to Seb!

** Installing internet connectivity at home has probably been our single most significant achievement over the last 6 months. Having dabbled a little in the telecommuncations space in my previous career (inlcuding the likes of BT, Optus, Cable & Wireless, NTL, Eircom, MCI Worldcom to name a few), I thought I had a reasonable handle on the general customer experience in this world and how best to avoid being taken for a ride. However, after this latest adventure I can only say how very deluded I was and how I am seriously considering never, ever moving again in order to avoid a repeat experience.

  • Handful of tricky customer "situations" - most of which have been handled with professionalism, good grace and an abundance of charm - and one or two less so! But these ones make for good stories if nothing else ;-))
  • Installing internet at home**;
  • Implications of the resulting events following the internet shopping revolution, the need to deck out a new home and providing Brierlie with access to the web;
  • Interactions with flat-packed furniture. Now why is it that the pack instructions NEVER match the actual parts that you are provided with?
  • Toilet training a puppy in a new home where we were feeling particularly house proud. (The term "WikiLeaks" has taken on a whole new significance for us.)
  • Brierlie contracting a stomach bug whilst we were away together in Surfer's Paradise. (Although we did make a significant dent to the list of New Release movies that we wanted to see.)

Development Opportunities (AKA "Weaknesses")
  • Probably a constant learning but I'd love to become a blackbelt in dealing with "difficult" customers - and being able to quickly and confidently differentiate between those looking for a free meal and those with a genuine complaint;
  • Coffee making. It's pretty much an art don't you know and something taken VERY seriously by most self respecting cafes and coffee shops down here in Hobart. We serve coffee at the restaurant and have one of two true coffee "artistes" but I'm certainly not one of them. Plan to take a coffee course in May to help us on our way...
(Not one of my coffees in case you're wondering)

Overall Performance Rating
I always hated being asked by my manager to give myself my own performance rating for the period before he (or she) would give me theirs (and ultimately the one that counts). Too high and you risk coming across as a deluded idiot and too low and perhaps you make them question if you really do deserve the rating they haven't yet informed you of. Well, not that it matters in this case but it's still tricky. But all things considered I would give us an internally grimacing but in my opinion fair...:

Performance rating : Exceeds Expectations


The Tasmanian Soft-sell
Having been in Hobart for over 6 months now and soon gearing up to exert a great deal of unregulated ancd unashamed pressure on our friends and family overseas to come and visit, I am now in a position to set the record straight on 4 things NOT to come to Tasmania for:

1. Shopping;
2. Night-clubbing;
3. Tropical weather;
4. A cosmopolitan metropolis;

However, if indeed you are looking for anything other than these 4 features, I can honestly say that Tasmania is a genuinely beautiful place for a visit and to live - and so wild and unspoilt - and I really hope that many of you will pop down some time soon and make the most of having a base to explore this incredible island from. (PS - the guest room is now ready!)


...And to finish up, I'll attach a collage of shots taken since the last update.

Moody Hobart - overlooking the waterfront from the Drunken Admiral
Mark & Rhodan in Surfer's Paradise - our next door neighbours back in Hong Kong!
Surfer's Paradise, Queensland
The very latest in eco-friendly dishwashing technology (and responsible parenting)

Bakerella in action

Cascade Brewery, Hobart
Wiki demonstrates his displeasure at being left to fly solo at home
Simon Wood's visit (shot taken at Meadowbank Vineyard)
Biking up Mount Wellington was less fun in practice than principle
Hobart's own SAS - Steak Appreciation Society
The "do you have a dirty mind?" test
The Derwent from the Domain
Wiki on a "time-out"
Bill Sykes & Bull's Eye roam the mean streets of Hobart looking for trouble...

Thursday, 27 January 2011

Post 8 : Happy New Year!!

Perhaps a little belatedly but I’ll blame the time difference – happy new year! I guess it’s been about 5 or 6 weeks since my last update and as I reflect back over the period it’s quite clear that it’s been an eventful time for us. In summary, we’ve had our first summer season in the restaurant (together with the holidays over here, Xmas and NYE), we’ve launched our new menu’s (both food and drink), we bought, setup and moved into a new home, enjoyed a visit from my sister and her boyfriend (our first house guests!), celebrated a friends beautiful outdoor wedding at Stuart’s Bay, I had a birthday (34 years young!), hosted a house warming / birthday celebration at our new place, Rich and I have been learning to surf, celebrated Australia Day and Brierlie and I are the proud parents of our brand new furry baby!

Drunken Admiral Update

As you might expect, the last 6 weeks in the restaurant have been our busiest yet and obviously this is linked to the massively inflated Hobart population over this period. In the run-up to Christmas, we had lots of work Christmas parties, then Christmas itself (which we managed to enjoy as it’s the one day of the year that the restaurant closes) quickly followed by influx of “yachties” as the annual Sydney to Hobart yacht race storms into town - the winners arriving by the 28th of December - which coincides nicely with the start of the Taste of Tasmania Festival which is basically a week long food and drink fest. Then of course the Moorilla Hobart International tennis tournament (not quite Wimbledon I’ll admit) kicks off and a brand new museum of art has just opened ( and the list goes on…

Front of House team on NYE at the DA (seen those outfits before anyway??)

The Cocktail King?

Fireworks at NYE (and yup, that's a parrot perched on my shoulder)

It has been a very busy time in the restaurant and a key challenge has been ensuring that we have enough staff rostered on each night, made especially difficult as there is so much fun stuff going on in and around Hobart over the holiday period and for a Uni student earning a bit of cash, the pull of one of the big music festivals will often take precedence over wanting to work in the restaurant. Which sucks for us. But one way or another we managed to get through pretty much unscathed and we’ve certainly learnt a thing or two about how we might manage things differently going forwards!

Since we started officially on the 1st of October 2010, we have been tracking stats and running some analysis to see how we’re going. Well, what did you expect? After 10 years of working in business consulting, my love of numbers and spreadsheets was hardly going to dissolve overnight. Anyway, I won’t bore you with the detail but from the 1st of October through to the 15th of January, we have been operating for 107 days and we have now had a total of 15,126 covers (i.e. diners) in the restaurant. Which averages out to approximately 141 covers per night – but as you’d expect the mean is typically lifted by a busier Friday and Saturday and lowered by the Sunday – Thursday run.

Our new menu’s have launched and we’re very pleased with them now that they’re out there – which actually proved trickier than I had anticipated. Lining up staff (Front of House and kitchen), the design and production of the menu’s themselves, the till (including prices and products) and computerised order management system and stock itself proved to be a logistical challenge worthy of a crack team of Accen.ture consultants.

9 Service Street, Glebe, 7000, Tasmania

This is our new home address for any of you eagerly anticipating a forwarding address for any belated Xmas / birthday / house-warming or “just because” gifts. We completed on the 23rd of December, literally just scraping through so that we could move in before Christmas and suffice to say, we absolutely love our new home! We fell in love with it on our very first viewing back in November and just knew that we would move hell and high water in order to make it ours. The move day itself (23rd of December) was a pretty crazy day as we had to wait for the completion to go through before we received the keys whilst also moving our entire worldly belongings (mainly still packed into the 23 boxes stored under Craig’s home) and also collect an entire household’s furniture and fittings in order to make the shell of a house a home. And we couldn’t have managed it without our team of very generous volunteers : a BIG thank you to  Craig, Leonie, Seb, Luke and Grant (plus Grant’s brother-in-law!).

The area itself is called the Glebe and it's very well located for us - you can walk easily into the city centre, it takes about 2 minutes to drive to the restaurant and I can walk to my tennis club in about 45 seconds! It's also very easy to get out of town as we have easy access to the main highways and we're set on a steep hill so we have a lovely view over Hobart and Mount Wellington from the front of the house. In short, we're very happy with it!

Dining area and front decking (Mt Wellington in background)
 Celebratory glass of bubbly on Moving-In day with Prancer (visited at Xmas)

Our first Christmas in our new home (house keys in Oz are a little bigger than back in the UK)

Building our BBQ (much less fun than cooking with it)
Sam’s Visit

…And as we had moved into our new home just before Xmas, we were able to offer Sam and Chris (long lost school friend from Hong Kong days – now her boyfriend!) their own bedroom at our place when they visited us for a few days in early January. Whilst we couldn’t let go of the restaurant’s reigns whilst they were here, we were able to arrange our days off so that we could enjoy their visit with them. For me personally, it was great to have Sam visit us as I hadn’t seen any of my own family since we left the UK back in mid-September and it meant a lot to me to be able to introduce her to my new life over here. So we had our first house guests and we now look forward to many more so please can you all get onto booking your flights…!

Taste of Tasmania Festival 2011 (Sam, Brierlie, me, the P, Eriko and Chris)

Hobart view from Mount Wellington
Hobart's waterfront (with the DA in the background : LHS)

Wicket Hunter Godfrey-Kemp

And as life hasn’t been quite hectic enough already, we thought we’d add an extra little ingredient into the mix and find ourselves a puppy to look after. And this has come in the form of a Shih Tsu furry baby whom we have named “Wicket Hunter Godfrey-Kemp” and he was my birthday present (best present EVER!). The name Wicket came from his uncanny resemblance to the lead Ewok starring in the Star Wars trilogy and Hunter from Brierlie’s love of the irony in this naming. We picked Wicket up on a Saturday about two weeks ago and he is now 9 weeks old, extremely loving, highly mischievous and playful (until he crashes out to recharge his Duracell batteries every couple of hours) and exceedingly NOT house trained. But we adore him and our house would seem very empty without him already.

Wicket and my thongs on the day we picked him up
On Wicket's first walk dressed in his trekking gear
Definitely likes a good belly rub

And to finish up this update, I'll include some random shots taken over the last few weeks...

Miss Mollie & Brierlie on Xmas Day

Falls Festival with our Triple A passes (Access All Areas!)

Luke & Analie's Wedding, Stuarts Bay

 Luke & Analie's wedding, Stuarts Bay 

Darl's 90th Birthday Luncheon at Craig's
Boys & BBQ's (christening my BBQ!)

Our house-warming / my birthday celebration

My Stegosaurus Brierlie-made birthday cake!

Our house warming / birthday celebration

Wiki's first walk up at the Domain

Wiki's first visit to the beach (on Australia Day!)

Chasing a stick & running in a circle has never been so much fun